Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Just the usual

The usual?

Sometimes, I forget about how Bamboo School life isn't really that different from life at home. Then I remember how crazy things really are here.

Momochore got kidnapped the other day by an ex- student with no legs. Now, normally, that would be unusual the fact is this isn't the first time the jerk with no legs has tried to take Momochore, it's just that this time... he had some help. I was also on my back suffering from some kind of gnarly stomach thing.

The police are involved so hopefully we'll have him home soon.

The usual - kids snuck out after they weren't supposed to last saturday night - after - being told they weren't ok'd to go to kick boxing because of their bad behavior. Momo has sent them all away.

The other a couple guys trucked up the drive with a friend that had a 4 inch machete cut on his face. I jumped into the ambulance without shoes with Koala, and we wrapped the poor guy up and kept pressure on while momo drove the 25 minute trip in 12 minutes to Sai Yok hospital.

Drama, drama, drama- If we don't actually have it we make it up. We're addicts here in at the bamboo school.

It's all about your perspective. I was running kids to school with an Australian guy one morning who was so stoked that we ran out of gas and were riding the motorbike around. He was like, this would never happen anywhere else! He was new, and probably still in awe of the buffalo and bathing in the "river." I remember looking back at him... and thinking... dude, this is like every other day...


Whenever where your at looses its flavor, check your perspective. Chances are it has potential.