Saturday, December 26, 2009

Karen Kids like alligator push ups, and swim with Crocodiles too

At least, for 5 minutes I believed Karen kids swam with crocodiles. We work on bamboo schools land down by a lake whenever we can. The first time I went down the kids told be there were "cocadils" in the lake. It took them a few tries to deliver their joke. These days, I'm a trillion times more used to their accents though.

I went swimming anyway, but, being as gullible as I am, I checked with Bil-lae(23ish) first. After he told me there were three or four Crocodiles swimming around who didn't eat Karen because they liked Karen, I figured I would give the water a shot. The guys were a bit disapointed. And after they got over me spoiling there joke - we played this sick twisted "kick people as they jump into the water game"

At this point in my bamboo school experience I thought these kids were fearless, a few weeks later I found out the younger guys won't swim out into the water because they are afraid of a fish with good reason, it has some impressive teeth. Some of us still swim though.

Even though the majority of the guys under the age of fifteen are scared of fish, they're still pretty much the toughest kids I've met. Their pain tolerance is ridiculous. Well, thats normal for all Karen, on a side note - Karen women never make loud sound during child birth. I learned that after taking a pregnant lady to the hospital. Another story though...

Karen kids are tough and so sometimes things get violent. I've never seen kids kick each other more. They have so much violence incorporated into their games, even their card games involve pain, it's really ridiculous. The food does too, they eat way to much chili and it's painful sometimes, other times it's actually pretty good.

What do alligator push ups have anything to do with it? Thats how I figured out what a cocadil was... Ask Thomas Freeman about alligator push ups if you're really curious.. if not... well I suppose you can use your imagination or something.

1 comment:

  1. Nick Ham!!! Your first blog! YES!

    Alligator push ups..... miserable! haha
